Development & Contributions
Contibutions are very welcome! I particularly invite people having a better flair for style or typescript, and which have the urge to improve what they found in this repo . Before you make a major contribution, it’s probably best to first discuss it in an issue.
When implementing a change, please make sure that licenseplate keeps the number of API requests to a minimum, and that it does not rely on any external packages.
The following is an incomplete list of ideas I’d like to get done sooner or later:
Strengthen test suite (more unit, not just E2E).
Customizable alert levels, based on user-defined license requirements.
Also show licenseplate alerts on popular package indexes (e.g.
Define remote configs for page-dependent dom-element queries and style info, allowing to quickly react to github page changes.
Additonal ideas or want to work on any of these things? Great! Open an issue to discuss the details…
Technical Details
Check the repository readme for details about the repo folder structure, test and build setup, and automated processes.